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Notes on Coffee from Petra

Petra Roasting Co. with information about coffee and its own coffee philosophy at the Masterclass events within the scope of Omnivore Istanbul. There was also. Kaan Bergsen, who gave information on behalf of Petra, explained the journey of coffee from the branch to the cup and gave interesting details that I never knew.

Here is what I remember from this pleasant sharing..

  • Although there are 70 different types of coffee plants, only three of them are grown for human consumption. The best known, best and most common strain is Arabica; Robusta, which is more caffeinated, therefore harder but of lower quality, and Liberica, with a consumption rate of only 1%, are the types we can use for coffee drinking.
  • The logic of the “Coffee is from Yemen...” issue was that the way to Europe was through Yemen. For example, we know Moka, but not all of us know that Moka is the name of the port in Yemen where coffee is transported to Europe.
  • When coffee first entered Europe, it was banned as a reaction to the attitude of Muslims towards wine, and its consumption was almost considered a sin. However, a Pope's saying "Coffee is okay, drink it" on the love of coffee changed the fate of coffee.
  • We call it Third Generation, third wave coffee shops. Here is how Kaan Bergsen classifies these three waves:

1. Coffee for Consumption: This is the period of granule coffees that we prepare by mixing them with water.

2. Coffee for Pleasure: This is the interim period when chain coffee shops and home machines proliferated and coffee diversified.

3. Coffee for Appreciation: In this now popular third generation, coffee is roasted, brewed and the bean itself is valued and appreciated.

  • It shows the quality of coffee with its acidity, and coffee grown at high altitudes strengthens these properties in difficult natural conditions and preserves it better in the glass. Coffees grown close to sea level, on the other hand, would lose these taste characteristics with their lazy structure.
  • I think a very important detail: Petra especially prefers seeds grown on farms above 1500 meters when choosing seeds. Thus, we can meet with coffees with high acidity and strong aroma.
  • In the simplest definition of roasting, it is the caramelization of the amino acids and inner sugar of the seeds, which are actually green, thanks to the heat. Considering that the beans contain approximately 1500-2000 molecular components, roasting is of great importance in terms of preserving aromas and having quality roasted beans.
  • Another important issue is the coffee/water ratio used when preparing coffee. Coffee is 80% water soluble, but the preferred rate for a good coffee is around 20%. Too much of it affects the taste of coffee negatively.
  • The grinding process of the coffee is also an important factor in the taste. Since the size of the coffee particles affects the brewing time, their thickness should also be chosen correctly. (Immediately, I think that we have changed the core shooting setting according to the core we buy at home and our taste, and I give confirmation for this tip, it is fixed with experience)
  • Next up is one of my favorite parts. Kaan says: If I were to make a material selection order for good coffee, I would prefer a properly roasted good bean and then a good grinder. The coffee machine comes after these. I can even brew my coffee with a container and a piece of newsprint if I want! Meanwhile, in the thought bubble that appears over my head, I can see the representative V60 system filtering through the funnel-shaped newsprint and I smile.
  • The water temperature should be around 92-96 degrees, we said that the brewing time depends on the size of the ground coffee. Then comes another trick: “The methods of pouring the water over the coffee are optional. However, at Petra we prefer to pour the water with the coffee rather uncomfortable, so we believe we can get all the flavors.” It makes a lot of sense..
  • Finally, he talks about the brewing techniques, and this detail can help with the basic distinctions of the laboratory disguised equipment that we are accustomed to seeing in coffee shops: Systems such as Chemex, V60 that brew with the drip technique; Systems such as coffee pot, siphon and Frenchpress working with the technique of floating the coffee, and systems such as espresso, aeropress and moka machine working on the basis of pressure.

Finally, I am more conscious about coffee. I love drinking coffee, I try many different places, coffee beans and brewing techniques. My coffee adventure will never end, each new try means both a different taste and a new knowledge for me. I think the experience, which I can call education, was really useful.

Speaking of this information and Petra, there is a detail I would like to add to the end of the article: The label of the last coffee package I bought.

He says:

“Los Pirineos. Los Pirineos farm, located at the top of Tepeca volcano, is run by the Baraona family, dating back to 1890. Gilberto, the current representative of the family that built El Salvador's first microgreen mill, shares his long-standing experimental processing methods with us in these Pacamara beans you hold in your hands. Petra Roasting Co. this year, he is proud to save the entire Pacamara harvest of the farm for himself and share it with Turkish coffee drinkers.”

I have a special interest in careful packaging. I respect the work, the details, the businesses that love coffee. Petra, in its packaging -I have never seen it in Turkey; With this detail, which I can find in only a few packages abroad, it has shown its respect to both coffee and coffee lovers. I adore it. If someone who doesn't know me well reads me, they might say look at the advertisement.. I don't know.. I even laugh at it.. I just want to show that I realize the value given to me as a Turkish coffee drinker, as Petra says, and head towards a business I love. I wanted to encourage them by reminding them that they are on their way.

Let's say both a pleasure for me and a thank you for myself...