How did your passion for coffee start, how did you develop yourself after meeting this curiosity?
I started to be interested in beverages in general long before coffee. It was because of their taste. In my opinion, the tastes and taste differences of the drinks do not exist in any dish. In the simplest terms, the aromas that we usually take before eating the food tell us more or less how it tastes. But in beverages, this sensation can appear in many different ways. It was the bottomlessness of this well that attracted me.
Some people do well in the kitchen. Are you one of them?
Kitchen, not so much, but I love bars. It makes me very happy to watch, examine and work in it. Bars have a social side that kitchens lack. You can talk directly to the customer; you prepare food, drinks and products after a face-to-face conversation with them. I think this is one of the backbones of the service industry, but it is not emphasized much. For example, we built Petra's service exactly on this. We see that it is definitely out of the ordinary, but it works very well.
What do you do to improve yourself and follow the innovations in this field?
I travel a lot and we share a lot with other friends from the industry. There are also blogs I follow, but we usually produce the most creative ideas ourselves. The industry we are in is so new that companies like us can direct the entire industry. This is very exciting.